Friday, April 20, 2007

Kara Thrace ruins yet another perfectly good relationship

So my friend that I was arguing with about whether or not Kara Thrace is a cylon has disappeared off the face of the earth since I last detailed my negative feelings on the matter. To recap: he thinks she's a cylon, I think that's preposterous.

So to this board I pose not relationship advice, of course—who needs that?—but a reposing of the question of whether or not there's any chance Kara Thrace could be a cylon. Cause i just don't see it but i far prefer when my relationships with people are ruined by like money, betrayal, or murder.

Thank you, friends.


Paul M. Davis said...

Prediction: Humans and the final five are nearly identical. The human-like Cylons evolved separately from the Toasters...Kara is a human, but she's also the "missing link" in a way...neither human nor Cylon in the way we've come to understand them.

Your friend is clearly a flawed model, Anne.

Sinker said...

Yeah, I'm going with Paul here. She's the missing link.

The bad half of the prediction: She will be the one to get Humans and Cylons to live in peace.

roman mars said...

Should I be concerned that the more I think about this show, the more I think it's frakking ridiculous?

The answer is that Starbuck is one of these new quasi-Cylons, along with the other four. But Gods only know what that actually means.

If it all ends with some "I'd like to buy the world a Coke" bullshit, I'll be pissed.

Anne Elizabeth Moore said...

wait, excuse me, hold on here people, hold the phone. so now you're saying she might be half cylon? or part cylon? or buying the cylons a coke? cause earlier, i was under the impression that we were all on sort of the same page in terms of starbuck being a, like, superhuman savior type. and now you're telling me that could = cylon status? on behalf of all superhuman saviors everywhere, i resent the implication.

and on behalf of coke, i resent roman mars for implying we couldn't all use one right about now.

they are delicious and sparkly and give you just the right kick to get through your day.

Sinker said...

I think a "superhuman savior type" could definitely = "missing link."

Max said...

They only revealed four of the final five Cyclons, and then Kara Thrace shows up undead (though not zombied) - a natural assumption would be that she's the fifth mystical Cylon.

However, in several interviews Eick has essentially said that Thrace isn't a Cylon and that something else is afoot (something he can string out another season if necessary). I think there's more than enough evidence to make her the final Cyclon - the supreme Cyclon that sits in the personal sauna from the original show - or the metaphysical bridge between the faithful Cylons and the rational humans.

From a purely polytheist vs. zealot character plotting, Thrace being the only one whom has touched the ethereal plane (earth) would elevate her to messianic status - making President Roslin's Moses-like quest to die before entering the promised land complete.

Sinker said...

Max, are you gunning for an invite or something??

Max said...

I'm not Max.

I'm the monkey who played Muffit.

roman mars said...

If we all think that Kara is a cylon, does that mean that Anne will no longer be our friend?

Paul M. Davis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul M. Davis said...

I wouldn't say that she definitely is a we know it. I think they want us to think she's a Cylon. I still think that it's no coincidence that the Final Five Cylons were in the Opera House on Kobol during their appearances, that there are 12 colonies + Kobol, there are 12 Cylon models...the Cylons have been around much, much longer than we think, and I think there's some genetic line that ties them from way back. I'd say Kara Thrace has something to do with that genetic line. Still, I don't think she's technically a Cylon as it will be defined in the more than Roslyn is now that she has Cylon blood in her body.

The final Cylon to be revealed? I'm thinking someone really left field. Moore has stated that he thinks making Adama or Roslyn Cylons would be too much of a cheat, so who does that leave us with?

I'll throw in a dollar for: Admiral Helena Cain!!!

Sinker said...

Modern TV writing seems like an exercise in twists, and certainly the reveal of the four new cylons was all about a twist (I mean, really, Taigh?). So I think that it's too obvious for Kara to be the final cylon simply because that seems like the logical explanation.

So, obviously, the final fifth cylon is going to be Hot Dog.

Paul M. Davis said...

Hot Doug?

Anne Elizabeth Moore said...


I stand by this earlier emotional plea to your collective sense of reason. how can she not be? that is the most awesome answer.

Anne Elizabeth Moore said...

additionally, my friendships with people, yes, ARE based on who they believe that final cylon to be.

sorry, roman, it's true!

which is why i think paul is awesome right now.

Paul M. Davis said...

Would that be for suggesting that the final Cylon is Admiral Cain, or for suggesting that it is Hot Doug? 'Cos honestly, I could go with either.

Unknown said...

Well, Hot Doug could definitely make humans and cylons live in peace, so if that's the outcome you want then back him. Cain, on the other hand, would just kill 'em all, humans and cylons alike.