Monday, April 30, 2007


I had an actual a-ha moment the other day when i realized that, in fact, this whole kara thrace business may not be about starbuck at all. it might just be a hallucination on lee's part. which might make him the key player here, instead of her, and she would just still be dead. "key player" being a term i'm coming across frequently as i study for the LSATs, meaning a player who is central, or key, to proceedings. i mean, lee could be, like, the messiah figure here, whoch would suck royally.

by the way, paul invited all sorts of people to read this blog without making sure they had seen every episode of every season beforehand. therefore, i'm just going to call this post SPOILER WARNING and hope they are all adult enough to handle the mature contents.


Sinker said...

My vote is that if Lee is the messiah, I want off this spaceship.

Anne Elizabeth Moore said...

i know. cylon invasion would be pretty awesome in comparison.

Paul M. Davis said...

I didn't really invite that many people to check it 10, the BCC is 'cos one of them is very paranoid about her addy going out in group emails.

STILL, most don't need the spoiler warning, but good to have!

Anyway, our secret BSG club is still safe I believe!

Paul M. Davis said...

BTW, I don't think she's dead. But if she is some "projection" of Lee's mind a la Stripper Baltar Six, then my Gods, that will suck. And if Lee is the messiah, I would also prefer the Cylon invasion.

Anne Elizabeth Moore said...

i'm not worried about the secret getting out, not at all. i'm just worried that anyone's enjoyment of the wonder that is BSG might be lessened somehow by something i might have said inadvertently.

Paul M. Davis said...

Good point. Daria has yet to be truly introduced to the joy and wonder of this discussion as she is still at the beginning of season 3.

Anne Elizabeth Moore said...

if i can just preempt dan on this one:

oh my god, i wish i was daria right now.

dan you can accuse me of being a cylon now if you want to, i will totally understand.

Sinker said...

Man, you know what? I wish the beginning of season 3 was like an entire season long. I could TOTALLY be down with like 15 episodes of suicide bombings on New Caprica.

Paul M. Davis said...

Yeah, it's like they concentrated 90% of the awesome in the first four episodes and had to spread the other 10% over the rest of the season!

Dipshit McGee said...

I think the ending of Seasom 3 was awesome beyond description, though. As bad as that version of "All Along the Watchtower" may have been, it still made for one the coolest things I have ever seen on televison (and I base that on years of exhaustive research, btw.)

Dipshit McGee said...

...and, no, it better not be a "she's only in his mind" charcater like Balthar's hallucinated 6. DrAEM, you are going to have to face facts -- Starbuck is a CYLON. It's the only explanation that makes any sense.

(If she's NOT a Cylon, then that's only because the writers set up a bait and switch -- but everything leading up until this point indicates that she was revealed as a Cylon the minute she flew the Viper into that maelstrom.)

Paul M. Davis said...

Agreed--lame version of All Along The Watchtower, but that was a hell of a season ender (especially Tigh's whoo-ooo-ah when he came in the Cylon chamber.)

Still, at least it wasn't the U2 version!

Sinker said...

yes, but it COULD have been the Guns n Roses version.

Dipshit McGee said...

I am so into that sequence -- how it was foreshadowed, scripted, acted, and filmed -- that I have even accepted that bad cover version as cool. I am getting brainwashed.

Seriously, the way the lyrics are foreshadowed in the dialogue, with people saying things like "There must be some kind of way out of here" and "There's too much confusion"? The way the music eerily builds throught he whole episode? The way (as pmd said) Tigh goes "WHOAH" when he enters the room? And how the music goes silent while they all stand there humming in unison, and then the music kicks back in?

It's just so fucking cool it's ridiculous. Regardless of the specific cover version, the fact that they used that music AT ALL as a major plot device is awesomeness incarnate.

Paul M. Davis said...

This is where Paul comes out of the closet completely and admits that he has been listening to Ronald Moore's podcast for a long time. It's actually quite entertaining, he gets drunk on scotch and smokes cigarettes (like certain great BSG characters) and is remarkably candid about picking apart all the fuckups in the show.

Anyway, according to recent podcasts as well as those from a couple years back, the whole "Watchtower" thing has been a long time coming, and they toyed with bringing it in earlier in the series but thought it would be too much of a tipoff to people where things were going and would ruin some of the otherworldliness of the BSG mythos if brought in too early.

So, yes, I agree, cool foreshadowing, shitty version, but the way that last scene is orchestrated, and the way it's weaved into dialogue--totally cool that I went with it and was totally blown away with it by the end of the episode. Not that I would put arena rock "Watchtower" on my iPod for the work commute, but in context, pretty damn effective.

Yeah, the humming and then it kicking back in, that was pretty brilliant.

And Dan, was it "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" that G'N'f'n'R did? Or have I been missing some prime-Axl awesomeness all this time?

Sinker said...

you're right. I get my dylan and my GNR confused ALL the time. You should have felt my embarrasment when I was yelling out "MR.BROWNSTONE!!!" at the last Dylan gig I went to.

Dipshit McGee said...

-Col. Tigh, upon getting his mind blown from hearing Bob Dylan for the first time.