Friday, December 14, 2007
The Isle of Lesbos, Quiznos style.
And if so, was anyone else disturbed by the two plot point recaps sponsored by Quiznos?
"You just saw that Admiral Caine and Six were lovers. Brought to you by Quiznos. Mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm." The other, less interesting plot point was Adama's discovery of the original hybrid program.
It was only afterwards that I realized there was some sort of online component to this weirdness. But it got me to thinking that this makes the writer's jobs so much easier. We no longer have to actually write scenes or plot points, just let the commercial sponsors include it in the advertising! It's the obverse of product placement in television - it's television content in advertising!
Imagine watching two hours of a taught murder-whodunnit, only to fade to black right before the big reveal. "Wal-Mart's open late for the holidays. Treat him right with this deluxe kitchen knife set for only $15.72. And his wife did it."
Wow, TV and movies will just be so much better!
Monday, November 12, 2007
OMG Razor!
The better news: We're watching it 12 days early...tonight
The not so good news: Season four has been postponed to April due to the writer's strike, and SciFi in their infinite wisdom (and desire to not let a cash cow leave them too quickly) may not air the second half of the season until 2009.
Time to get this blog going again folks...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Snubbed by the Sci-Fi network
Anyway, it was apparently QUITE the event, or so says Media Blvd (a site with not one but TWO embarrassingly ugly logos!). And there was even some pretty major spoilers revealed, that sound a lot like the theories we've been tossing around these parts.
So what's the nature of the final five cylons? Straight from the Chief's mouth:
Douglas revealed that the final 5 Cylons are in fact a different breed of Cylon than the human form versions that attacked the colonies. These 5 in fact are the original Cylon’s, are immortal, and are the Cylon Gods.
Apparently the sequence involves a sort of mini-rebellion with Cylon centurions gaining intelligence and rebelling against their human masters.
I would rather be in the midst of a Cylon mini-rebellion than have to deal with my son's refusals to go to sleep anymore tonight.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
It's official
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Ruminations on subtitles.
The screenwriter John August is one of the reasons that Hollywood fare is so frakkin' dreadful. He's responsible for a lot of the drivel you see in theaters, notably the Charlie's Angels movie franchise, Big Fish, and other insipid titles only a queer ex-journalist who's only writing movies for the money would write. He did, however, create a rather funny video when he was learning Final Cut Pro which underscores the fact that subtitles can say absolutely anything and people don't really care.
The purpose of this video and post is to enter the world of geekdom vis-a-vis the fact that Cylons speak English to one another instead of having, well, wifi built-in. I mean, I don't expect the toasters to have 802.11 g or even *gasp* draft N, but the idea they'd use such an inefficient language such as English to communicate their master plan is just plain silly.
I did enjoy it when the Cylons sunk their hands into the goo in order to communicate with their base ship - that at least was an interesting invention and seemingly better than subtitles. No human would sink their hands into mucus just to answer a phone call. Other limbs, maybe, but not their precious hands.
Monday, May 14, 2007
entirely un-BSG related, except in almost every way
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Why I Am Somewhat Disappointed With How BSG Is Turning Out
As of late, though, it seems that the show has abandoned any kind of forward movement or eventual suspense. Ironically, Lost--to which BSG has been often held up as a superior example in genre fiction--has actually seen much more forward movement and streamlining in its story lately. Meanwhile, BSG seems to have ramped up the tricky WTF mysteries in place of building a real sense of suspense.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Cylon Logic Bomb
It's really fun to say. Say it out loud: "Cylon Logic Bomb." See what I mean?
Like the mustache, BSG cut off as well...
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Monday, May 07, 2007
WTF roll call
I propose, for example, that Janice, whose contributions are rare but deeply significant, is our black doctor cylon. Roman I think has to be Leoben. Sorry dude! But you're both, you know, a little too smart for your own good. Dan is totally Boomer. I would want to be Boomer, but I just don't have the tech skills.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Glowing Spinal-Column Cylon Sex
1. I forgot how cool it was that, when the space station explodes in the opening sequence, a piece of the debris smacks right into the camera and knocks it spinning.
2. Whoah, Caprica 6 totally killed a baby!
and most importantly,
3. Cylon's spinal columns visibly glow when they have sex! This seems like a major security risk: I guess Cylons must always insist on doing it sitting on top, facing their partner -- since even one simple session of doggy-style would reveal their secret? "Whoah, baby -- your spinal column is glowing right through your skin, um, what's the deal with that?"
Monday, April 30, 2007
by the way, paul invited all sorts of people to read this blog without making sure they had seen every episode of every season beforehand. therefore, i'm just going to call this post SPOILER WARNING and hope they are all adult enough to handle the mature contents.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Hello, frakkers.
I wish to make it clear, however, that I did not write the 15-posts-in-one non-easily-digestible entry below as an intentional attempt to destroy the readability of your blog. DrAEM took that from an email and posted it herself; I was a bit embarassed as it kind of makes me look like a dork. In case you were wondering why anyone would write an email so ludicrously long-winded or whether I have way too much free time or what, the answer is that such emails are only one of a vast repetoire of procrastination techniques I (entirely dysfunctionally) rely on daily to avoid actual responsibilities, and my capacity for such avoidance is evidently Herculean, if the last two decades or so of my life are any indication.
Anyway, thank you sinker for inviting me in to post official posts for actually real. Now that all that is out of the way, I promise my subsequent posts will be more to the point.
My first official post is this: the Final Cylon is a cat named THURBER, sent to Earth to spy on humanity in prep for the coming invasion.
Friday, April 27, 2007
other very important issues that require your thoughtful response and, probably, some further clarification on the part of the writer, who is not me
What is the Cylon religious motivation? Apparently the Dean Stockwell Cylon model doesn't even believe in God, yet the other models, to varying degrees, are totally devoted monotheists (unlike the polytheistic humans.) But where did Cylon religion come from? Unlike the humans, they know who created them (humans.)
How long have Cylons existed? We know there was a war when the Cylons turned against theor human masters, approxiamately 50 years before the start of the show. But were the Cylons around thousands of years ago in the dim prehistory of the 12 colonies? I thought hey were "recently" invented by the human race as robot servants of the human race, but the Final 5 are evidently part of the mystic ancient temple stuff on the eye of the nebula planet where they found the shrine thing that leads to Earth. So are Cylons just a few generations old or were they around thousands of years ago when the 13th tribe left for Earth?
2. What were the motivations behind the policy of genocide against the humans in the first place? in the early episodes, we were led to believe that it was a hardline religious crusade based on the fact that Cylons think (and, it is unstated but always alluded to, perhaps RIGHTLY) that humans are undeserving of life given their inherent "sins." Yet at least a few of the Cylon models seem to have been created with the purpose of emulation of human emotions (such as, particularly, love, in the case of Number 6) and the creation of a human/Cylon crossbreed hybrid baby seems big on their agenda. One of your blog poster friends said this may be because they lack the genetic diversity to reproduce properly so are attempting to gain said diversification capability from human gene exchange in sexual reproduction (rather than the presumed manufacture of identical models that constitutes their current reproductive mode.) This seems plausible to me but we have yet to learn their real agenda at all -- especially considering the complete wild card of the Final 5.
3. Why don't the 7 genocide-policy Cylons even know what the Final 5 look like? What was the source of the rift between them and the other models? How long ago did that rift take place, and if it was recently, how is it the other 7 models are completely unaware of any information surrounding the Final 5? The original storyline implied that in the first Cylon/Human War, the Cylons were the old-model (1978-style ) "centurion"models, and the human-looking biosynthetic types "evolved" during their 40-year silence of no contact with the 12 colonies. So why can't they remember the Final 5, if their very exiestence is less than 40 years old? Did they all get their memories wiped?
4. If Chief is, in fact, a Cylon, what purpose would it have served the Cylons to program him and the original deep-cover pre-self-aware Boomer to fall in love in the first place? That wouldn't advance their stated "create a Cylon/human hybrid baby" agenda at all, if neither one was human.
5. If "projection" is a Cylon ability, how come Balthar now has a phantom "projected" version of himself that is capable of messing with Caprica 6's mind the same way she once was able to mess with his?
(Before you say "maybe that proves Balthar is a Cylon", I want to point out that making Balthar a Cylon would be a really, really bad idea on the part of the writers. His whole function is to represent the flaws of humanity -- specifically, to serve the show as a brilliant evocation of human psychiatric dysfunction called "narcissism." Making him a Cylon would therefore be UTTERLY LAME. Even though it is in keeping with his character's grandiose self-image needs that he would SUSPECT himself of being some all-important lost model of Cylon, it should NEVER turn out to be actually true.)
And even after Caprica 6 reunited with Balthar in "real life" version, why does the "projected" Caprica 6 still have a different personality/agenda w/r/t to Balthar and their secret relationship than the physically-present model does?
For that matter, what is the Caprica 6 model's agenda?Originally it was all about manipulating Balthar's narcissism through a superior understanding of human psychology than our own. But she is evidently programmed to attemot to emulate lovem, and apparently does "fall in love' with him -- even if it's twisted sort of weird-ass version of it. Did her subsequent betrayal of the Cylons' original agenda represent a kind of corruption of Cylon purity by exposure to human (i.e. flawed) emotions? Did this "corruption" create a "projected" version of Balthar in her mind that functions independently of the personality of the real Balthar?
None of the shows I've seen (and I've seen all of them) seem to have addressed any of these questions. God, what if the creators/writers simply haven't thought this stuff through ahead of time, and are simply winging it?
That would SUUUUCK.
My last question here is about when all this is taking place. Did the Bob Dylan implanted memory thing indicate that they are now receiving signal information from present-day contemporary earth (as in the ill-fated "Galactica 1980" scenario, where they find Earth and it's Earth as is NOW) or is it an implanted memory from thousands of years ago? I.e. is the show taking place in the present or in the far future? All we can rule out is that it is taking place before Bob Dylan was born, obviously, so we know for a fact that it's definitely not happening in the past.
Final comment: here is my personal favorite BSG moment of the whole series: Adama telling Starbuck, during the parallel-editing mutual-assassination plot sequence at the end of the mid-season 2 cliffhanger,
"...I want you to pull out your sidearm... and shoot Admiral Cain in the head."
This was AMAZING. Because there are only about as many humans left in the entire species-wide population as there are students at the UW-Madison, obviously Colonials plotting against other Colonials is the worst possible thing that could happen -- yet Commander Adama is forced into this plot regardless, because Cain is EVIL and is plotting to kill him, too. Watching this, you're like "NO! You're just validating everything the Cylons said about why you should be destroyed in the first place!" but on the other hand it is difficult to see what else he can do. He is human, and as such he has no "correct", (i.e. non-evil) option open to him.
To his credit he does not go through with it, and neither does Cain in her identical plan to terminate his command -- but the mere thought that his father (and by extension, the whole human species) has come to this makes Apollo actually lose his will to live in the battle during the resurrection ship offensive -- he is literally willing to die in space with a slow oxygen leak rather than go on living as a member of the human race. For a moment, he believed the Cylons were right that the humans had no reason to live. This was brilliant, brilliant writing -- not even just "brilliant sci-fi writing", but brilliant writing period.
Something todd found on the internet
The title sequence features a Hindu mantra, the Gayatri Mantra, taken from the Rig Veda... The words in the mantra are "Om bhūr bhuvah svah tat savitur varēnyam bhargō dēvasya dhīmahi dhiyō yō nah pracōdayāt", which may be translated in various ways but means approximately:
"Oh all-protecting lord, please guide our intellects, so that we may proceed in the right direction towards enlightenment"
Thursday, April 26, 2007
tighpatch: the question
EDIT: Who knew I was spelling Tigh's name wrong and didn't correct me??
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Frakking Toasters Among Us
Petition for Admiral Helena Cain to be the Final Cylon
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
OK, we already know that they can be born again through their jelly infused hot tub of sorts. OK, we also know that both genders can reproduce the old fashioned way con womb y sperm as examplified by boomer and chief.
so, if cylons evolved separately from humans (different flesh and blood types), then WHY does their frakking plan seem to be to create a new hybrid generation with human dna? I mean if the cylons are so bloody better than humans and they have their own cancer curing blood, why human it up? you know?
Or do you think that we are not so biologically different and maybe they need our stuff to be who they are?
what the frakk?
Friday, April 20, 2007
Kara Thrace ruins yet another perfectly good relationship
So to this board I pose not relationship advice, of course—who needs that?—but a reposing of the question of whether or not there's any chance Kara Thrace could be a cylon. Cause i just don't see it but i far prefer when my relationships with people are ruined by like money, betrayal, or murder.
Thank you, friends.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Special Envoy Anne Elizabeth Moore...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Paper of the future
Exciting Battlestar Icon News!
And wouldn't you know? There are THREE VOLUMES of icons!
volume one!
volume two!!
volume three!!!
So yeah, if you've ever wanted to have your VERY OWN Kara Thrace dogtags, now you can. Well, virtually!
WHAT THE FRAKK??? I'm FINALLY on New Blogger!
Apparently, Google's finally given me the "nod" and I've just updated this blog to "new blogger." So I'm going to have to re-reinvite everyone, I guess. They make this easy, huh? Who needs what?
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Monday, April 09, 2007
Cylon history 101
I know that the cylons were created by man.
I know that they evolved
I know that they have a plan
BUT I'm not exactly sure of things like:
OK, man created 12 cylons?
Or did man just create those big metal ones from the first series and then THEY evolved and created the 12? Or were there 5 (the final five?) and then THEY created 12?
And those 12 were originals? Then they replicated themselves?
And when, exactly, did the cylons decided to set up a homeworld?
And the kind-of-human things lubed up at the center of a Cylon baseship? Those AREN'T cylons? They're just baseship brains? They were created by who exactly? And can you build a ship without them?
Oh, and the Raiders are not driven by the big metal robots, but instead are... sentient? They were grown? Or something?
OK, and all of this has happened only in the last 40 years?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Awesome vs. Not Awesome.
But, it's not SO awesome that at least a dozen or so "videomakers" should have cut it into music videos for bands like the Offspring, Hendrix, and Velvet Revolver. WTF??